Building history research

Our research team produces building history research to support urban planning, sales and various property development projects. Cultural and environmental history surveys and inventories supporting land-use planning take a broader regional perspective.

ark-byroo rakennushistoriatutkimus hattulantie

Building history survey

The building history survey is an important tool in the planning of renovation and alteration projects and in the preparation of detailed plans. The survey enables us to identify the architectural, urban and cultural heritage values of the property and to provide an overview of the current state of the site. We carry out historic building surveys for both public and private properties where values from the alteration phase have been recognised, or where there is a need to ascertain whether they exist.

Cultural environment survey

The cultural environment is the result of the interaction between humans and nature, both in the past and present. Our surveys are utilized in land use planning and typically describe the landscape, built form and archaeological sites in a planning area, often including recommendations for the conservation and consideration of identified values in land use planning and future land use.

mirjami vihma
Understanding the history and characteristics of a building is an essential starting point for making decisions about its future.
ark-byroo rakennushistoriatutkimus suomalais-venalainen koulu

Restoration report

For demanding restoration projects, the museum authorities requires the principal designer to prepare a restoration report and assess whether the conservation objectives have been met. Our research team produces reports that describe the project from a conservation perspective, including the project’s starting point, key design choices and justification for the measures, the modifications made, and information on areas requiring special attention for maintenance and future alteration.

ark-byroo rakennushistoriatutkimus itäinen puistotie

Negotiating consultant

We operate as building conservation specialists in demanding renovation and land-use planning projects. Our researchers provide expert reports on the built cultural environment and play the role of negotiating consultants. Additionally, we produce a range of specialist publications on the built environment.