ark-byroo elinkaaripalvelut

Life cycle services

The new Building Act requires construction projects to take concrete measures to combat climate change, adapt to it and promote the circular economy. Making LCA calculations requires extensive knowledge and a thorough understanding of the sites and sources of emissions data. Through cooperation between project partners, we can deliver more sustainable and low-carbon projects that support more environmentally responsible construction.

ark-byroo elinkaaripalvelut LCA reimarla

LCA calculation

We offer life cycle assessment services for renovation projects and to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings and sites in land-use planning. We take into account the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the entire life cycle of a building, including the production of materials, construction, operation, maintenance and demolition. We also assess the low-carbon potential of a site plan in cooperation with various experts and provide guidelines for reducing the carbon footprint.

ark-byroo elinkaaripalvelut purkukartoitus

Climate report

In the climate report, we assessed the low-carbon and other environmental impacts of the development project in accordance with the Finnish Ministry of the Environment’s methodology. Based on these calculations, we steer projects in a more sustainable direction. We also identify potential positive climate impacts by encouraging the use and recycling of existing materials.

ark-byroo elinkaaripalvelut materiaali

Material description

In our BIM-based material descriptions, we identify and catalogue the used materials, and assess their reuse and recycling potential, in line with the standards set by the new Building Act. Our aim is to ensure the quality of renovation and promote a circular economy in renovation projects.

joachim daetz
We support our clients in designing sustainable and low-carbon projects.
Joachim Daetz, Architect
ark-byroo elinkaaripalvelut purkumateriaali

Demolition and construction waste survey

We carry out comprehensive demolition surveys that meet the requirements of the new Building Act. Our services include BIM-based demolition material and construction waste surveys, based on our strong expertise in old buildings. We can also assist with guidelines for proper waste management at the demolition site and can identify opportunities for reuse of building components.

ark-byroo elinkaaripalvelut materiaali asiantuntijapalvelut

Expert services

By applying life-cycle calculations and surveys, our designers are able to create different development scenarios for the properties. We explore different design options based on emission and circular economy objectives and define basic solutions to guide implementation. We compare the functionality and life cycle of the product as well as provide a basis for cost calculations.